In Press, Under Review, or Proposed
Pain disclosures, practices, and pedagogy in the writing classroom. In A. Hubrig & P. Ready (Eds.), Anti-ableist composition: Writing studies and accessibility in
“unprecedented times.” (Edited collection conditionally accepted by WAC Clearinghouse.)
Redacted. In C. Cedillo, A. Hubrig, & M. Brooks-Gillies (Eds.), Rhetorical approaches to critical embodiment: Diverse perspectives on academia, activism, and everyday life. (Proposed to University of Pittsburgh Press.)
Contributor to Cedillo, C. (Embodying (In)Adequacy: “Good Enough” as a Blow against the Meritocratic Regime. In T. Oleksiak and J. Barsczewski (Eds.), Adequate. (Proposed.)
Restoring poetics to scholarship, / disturbing academic style with /
counterstory, allays the தமிழ் / thirst for homeland. In S. Christiansen, Z. Tian, & S. Canagarajah (Eds.), Decolonizing academic writing through translingualism: ¡Manos a la obra! 让我们一起行动吧!. (Invited proposal under review.)
This is about the body, the mind, the academy, the clinic, time, and pain. Description. Webtext excerpt.
Refereed Articles
“But you look so well!”: (Un)professionalizing chronic pain through academic dress. Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, 3(2).
“A way of life that is not entirely unfortunate”: The peripheral cunning of chronic pain. Platform: Journal of Media and Communication, 8(1), pp. 24-39.
Tits or GTFO: The logics of misogyny on 4chan’s Random – /b/. Fibreculture Journal, 22.
Interplay amidst the strangeness and the charm: Under-language and the attenuation of meaning in the film adaptation of Watchmen. ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies, 5(4).
“Later, buddy”: The politics of loss and trauma representation in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Forum for World Literature Studies: Graphic Engagement Special Issue, 3(1).
Invited Refereed Articles
Hollow me, hollow me, until only you remain (Interactive rhetorical criticism). Spark: A 4C4Equality Journal, 4. (Received an Honorable Mention for the Kairos Award for Best Webtext.)
Adler-Kassner, L., Cox, A., Elston, M., García de Müeller, G., Kumari, A., Manivannan, V., Miller-Cochran, S., Moroski, K., Olejnik, M., O’Neill, P., Poe, M., Powell, A., Reid, S., & Roundtree, S. Building a twenty-first-century feminist ethos: Three dialogues for WPAs. In E. Wardle & M. LaFrance (Eds.), WPA: Writing Program Administration, 42(2).
Non-Refereed Articles
Manivannan, V., Osorio, R., & Male, J. Editors’ introduction to “Carework and Writing During COVID: Part I.” Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, 6(2).
Manivannan, V., Osorio, R., & Male, J. Editors’ introduction to “Carework and Writing During COVID: Part II.” Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, 7(1).
Refereed Book Chapters
The successful text is not always the one that murders me to protect you. In A. Knoblauch and M. Moeller (Eds.), Bodies of knowledge: Embodied rhetorics in theory and practice. Utah State University Press. PDF Proof (cite final version instead).
“Maybe she can be a feminist and still claim her own opinions?”: The story of an accidental counter-troll. In E. Sparby & J. Reyman (Eds.), Digital Ethics: Rhetoric and Responsibility in Online Aggression, Hate Speech, and Harassment. (Edited collection won the 2019 Computers and Composition Distinguished Book Award.)
“Never give ’em what they expect”: The Joker ethos as the zeitgeist of contemporary digital subcultural transgression. In R. Peaslee & R. Weiner (Eds.), The Joker: A serious study of the clown prince of crime. University of Mississippi Press.
Invited Book Chapters
Manivannan, V., Cadman, D., & Mundy, R. Interdisciplinary writing instructors teach autoethnographic creativity and social consciousness. In J. Daniel-Wariya (Ed)., Who Teaches Writing. Oklahoma State University OER. (Contributor to audio book.)
Book Reviews
Rev. of Couldry, N. Media, society, world: Social theory and digital media practice. International Journal of Communication, 9.
Op-Eds, Blog Entries, and Social Media Posts
TechnoFeminism: (Re)generations and intersectional futures: Resources (Contributor). Computers and Composition.
2019. RhetKindness Space, Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric & Composition (CFSHRC) (Planner, contributor).
#WPAListservFeministRevolution and Direct Messages (Contributor).
I see the world through pain goggles, and you refuse me my visual voice. Graphic Social Science Research Network.
Listserv to listserv: A response from nextGEN (Author, contributor). WPA-L Listserv.
On naming what we don’t want to know. WPA-L Listserv.
Re: A request to all list members. WPA-L Listserv.
An Eelam Tamil American’s reaction to Trump’s election (Author). Facebook. Shared with Asian American Writers’ Workshop (AAWW) funders.
War without witness: Mobile phone testimony in preserving memory and truths. In Media Res: Cellphone Witness.
When “trolling” becomes an umbrella term. The New York Times Room for Debate. Invited contributor to special forum on trolling.
“What you think of pain is a shadow. Pain has a face. Allow me to show it to you.” The Facial Pain Association – Facebook.